إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

استعد لاثبات خبرتك ومعرفتك في كرة القدم كما لم تفعل من قبل!

تطبيق كيك براين (KickBrain) هو التطبيق الأول من نوعه الذي يتيح لك تحدي أشخاص أخرين حول العالم أونلاين في عدة تحديات كروية مثيرة.

التطبيق يتكون من ثلاث تحديات: ماذا تعرف؟, من أنا؟, والمزاد. كل تحدي له قواعده الخاصة وطريقة لعبة.

التطبيق مجاني بالكامل من دون حزم, باقات, ودعايات مزعجة.
بنك الأسئلة يتحدث كل أسبوع بأسئلة جديدة ومثيرة وجميع الأسئلة متاحة مجانا.

سواء كنت عبقري في كرة القدم أو مجرد محب للعبة وتحب تحدي أشخاص أخرين عبر الانترنت, سارع الى تحميل التطبيق وبدأ التحدي!

KickBrain - The first online multiplayer Soccer Challenge mobile application!

Go head-to-head against online players and put your soccer knowledge to the test through various challenges!

The application consists of 3 main challenges:

Challenge 1: What do you know?
- The challenge consists of ten questions with several answers.
- For each question, competitors provide their answers in a sequential manner, with one answer given during each round.
- The competitor must provide his answer within fifteen seconds.
- Each competitor has a maximum of three strikes per question, which occur when providing a wrong answer, repeating an answer, or running out of time to answer.
- If the player exhausts the three strikes, they lose the question, and their opponent earns the point of it.

Challenge 2: Auction
- The challenge consists of ten questions with several answers.
- For each question, competitors bid on the number of answers they can provide for the question within thirty seconds.
- Bidding persists until a competitor concedes.
- The winning bidder must provide the exact number of answers they bid on within thirty seconds.
- The competitor can strike indefinitely. If 30 seconds pass without their expected answers, the opponent gains the point.

Challenge 3: Who am I?
- The challenge presents various hints related to a specific player.
- These hints can relate to the teams the player has been part of, his transfers between teams, goals scored, and more..
- Competitors must correctly identify the player in question. The first player to provide the correct answer earns the point for the question.
- Competitors have an unlimited number of attempts.

The application supports both English and Arabic languages.

The application supports a desktop version as well. You can even compete with users playing from their desktop browser.

Download the app now, challenge your friends, and prove your soccer knowledge!